Learn the necessary foundations for integrating AI into your company's strategic goals in just 1/2 day.

Find out how you can use AI to increase productivity, reduce costs and develop innovative offerings. Discover the best way for your company to get started with this groundbreaking technology.

Set the foundation for up to 50% more revenue growth compared to your competitors!*

* Accenture study, Jun. 2022. May vary depending on the industry and scope of the transformation

1/2-Day Workshop

AI Fundamentals
Value Creation through AI
Your current owner's or corporate strategy / your strategic goals
Integrating AI into your strategy
Conclusion and next steps

Key information in brief

Target audience

The main target group is SME owners, board members or members of the executive management who recognise the transformative impact of AI on their industry and want to consider this technology when setting their strategic goals.

Before the workshop
  • Telephone discussion of the organisational framework (participants, location and time of the activity, infrastructure)

  • Answering a short questionnaire to get a first idea of your situation regarding the topic of AI

During the workshop
  • Welcome (15')

  • AI Fundamentals (30')

  • Value Creation through AI (45')

  • Your current owner's or corporate strategy / your strategic goals (45’)

  • Break (15')

  • Integrating AI into your owner or corporate strategy / your strategic goals (60’)

  • Conclusion and next steps (30')

After the workshop
  • Provision of an overview of initial findings and possible broad measures

  • Plan for a possible AI strategy blueprint assignment (creation of a blueprint for your AI roadmap)

  • A discount for recommendations that can be applied to further services

Your Partners

Patrick Zwyssig

Management consultant, owner, member of several boards of directors

At iValue GmbH, I support financial institutions and SMEs in achieving their strategic goals and managing digital transformation.

With over 25 years of international experience in finance, I have founded successful companies, including internet banks and fintech start-ups.

As a certified board member and consultant to organisations such as swissplast AG and AOAIO AG, I focus on governance and business development. As a passionate learner, I use my expertise in the areas of new work and mentoring to support leaders. My motto: ‘Stay curious, learn and inspire’.

Adam D. Wisniewski

Consulting Partner, Founder of ADW Consulting

With more than 20 years of experience in management consulting and leading large transformation and digitalisation programmes in Switzerland and abroad, I have extensive experience in business and technology transformation.

My aim is to work with all key parties to not only address the most pressing challenges, but also to find sustainable, future-proof solutions through an integrative approach with customers.

In recent years, my focus has increasingly shifted to new, disruptive technologies and how they influence the interaction between technology strategy and business strategy.

How can you achieve clarity regarding your strategic AI goals

AI Fundamentals

First, an overview of the most important aspects of AI will form the basis for the following discussions.

  • Introduction to AI and its applications in business

  • Key AI technologies and their applications

  • Examples of AI implementations in your industry

Value Creation through AI

The strengths and weaknesses of AI are examined, the various AI approaches are explored and the necessary prerequisites for their use are discussed.

  • Where does AI add the most value?

  • Where does which AI application make sense?

  • What is needed to use AI?

Your current owner's strategy / your strategic goals

The strategic goals of your owner / corporate strategy form the basis for the future use of AI. The technology should not only help to optimise the implementation of these goals, but also to release new, untapped potential.

  • What is the strategic starting point for the use of AI?

  • What are the responsibilities of the board of directors and the management?

Integrating AI into your owner's or corporate strategy / strategic goals

Various options for using AI in your company will be discussed, along with their potential and risks. Approaches for embedding them in your owner / corporate strategy will also be outlined.

  • Impact of the AI strategy on your owner / corporate strategy

  • Understanding of the potential and risks of the various approaches

  • Basis for integrating the AI strategy into your owner's or corporate strategy / strategic goals

Conclusion and next steps

To be effective, the insights must be implemented. In this final section, the findings are summarised and the process of integrating them into the corporate strategy is discussed.

  • Approaches to integration into the owner's or corporate strategy / strategic goals

  • Next steps for strategy implementation

Are you ready to discover and exploit the potential of AI for your organisation ?

Lay the foundation for greater efficacy and efficiency.

CHF 2490